My Store Mode design as it exists in the Android and iOS apps today.



Built as a precursor to Reserve & Try in Store, Store Mode was meant to be a much more prominent store filter, filtering the search and category results based whether or not the product was available "In Your Store", making it easier to find items you might want to see in store.

Platforms: Android, iOS (iPhone & iPad)

Initial sketches

While both the app and the website had existing store filters, analytics showed that they were rarely interacted with even in customer paths that ultimately had them going into the store. Additionally, there wasn't a concept of "Your Store" for a customer, making it such that a customer would potentially have to search for their favourite Nordstrom store each time they wanted to see what product was available there.

The high level requirements of the project were as follows:

  • The customer must have the ability to set a particular store as their preferred store.
  • The interaction point to filter products by their store must be prominent and obvious in every product results screen.
  • If a customer chooses to shop the inventory of a particular store, that filter must be sticky throughout an entire session. That persistent filter should be clear as they traverse through categories.


After I collaborated with a website designer to create a consistent experience across platforms and developed prototypes with a UX Researcher for multiple rounds of usability, Store Mode was released in an A/B test on the Android and iOS apps June 2016 and was throttled up to 100% in production in August 2016.

Android category results with Store Mode tabs

The tabs in the header allows customers to easily toggle between viewing products based on all online inventory versus in a store.

iPhone category results with Store Mode tabs

The customer's store would either get set during the first session by using Location Services to pull the closest store, or would be set by the customer themselves. Once set, this store did not change until the customer manually changed.

"In Your Store" empty state

Not all online products are available in store. This view is to prompt the customer to see what additional inventory is online if they can't find what they're looking for in store.

Filters view

Because the customer originally could see what products were available in a store via the filters, it was important to persist the All Items/In Your Store tabs in the filters area to help discovery for the customers already familiar with our older design.